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Terilogy and KDDI Evolva start partner collaboration with visual support tool "TechSee"

Techsee will provide KDDI with Video Support Service tools

Terilogy Co., Ltd.May 25, 2022 15:46


Terilogy Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, President: Akihiko Abe, hereafter Terilogy) and KDDI Evolva Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, President: Hajime Wakatsuki, hereafter KDDI Evolva) are the next generation. KDDI Evolva officially started offering a new contact center "Video Support Service" that utilizes video in May 2022 after concluding a sales agency contract for the visual customer assistance tool "TechSee" * 1. rice field.

"Video support service" is a contact center service that combines the video support of "TechSee" using Web-RTC and the operation of KDDI Evolva, which has the know-how and achievements of contact center construction and operation and improvement of major domestic companies.

Customers will be able to easily convey the content they want to inquire to the operator by visual information by sharing the video taken with a smartphone etc. in real time while talking to the operator. In addition, operations that utilize video will lead to an intuitive understanding of customers. As a result, we will increase the primary resolution rate for complicated inquiries that could not be solved by conventional telephone and chat, repairs that require dispatch of technicians, etc., and improve loyalty and CX, and improve corporate productivity. ..

The "video support service", which is a collaboration between Terilogy and KDDI Evolva, has already been introduced to technical support centers (call centers) of domestic companies, and has a track record of operation design and operation.

■ Introduction process

"TechSee," which enables remote support without dispatching human resources such as engineers, is being introduced mainly by major European telecommunications carriers as a new DX solution that leads to infectious disease control, and is also being used by domestic companies. It is expanding. Terilogy and KDDI Evolva will continue to work on co-creation of good practices that will serve as a reference for the domestic call center market, and will continue to improve CX and solve DX promotion issues in companies. In addition, both companies will consider efforts to realize smoother problem solving for customers in the field of video support. 

■ About Terilogy Co., Ltd.
Headquarters: 1-13-5 Kudankita, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0073
Established on the 4th floor of Hulic Kudan Building: July 1989
Representative: Akihiko Abe, President and CEO
Capital: 1,581,306 thousand yen (Securities) Code 3356 Tokyo Stock Exchange "Standard Market")
Business: Import and sale of overseas hardware and software products / Sales of network-related products / System consulting and construction / education / network construction / construction for end users (construction license) Acquired) / Maintenance service for network-related products / Development of application software

Terilogy Co., Ltd. has four segments of security, network, monitoring, and solution service as its core, and the market and customers. We are a technology value creator who handles a wide range of products from hardware to software and service provision that meet the needs. We have more than 300 customers, mainly large companies and telecommunications carriers, and have a wealth of experience and achievements in network-related businesses.

Harel-Hertz Investment House (HIH) is Terilogy's consultant and Israeli Representative

■ About KDDI Evolva Co., Ltd.
Headquarters: Shinjuku First West, 1-23-7 Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-0023
Established: May 1996
Representative: Hajime Wakatsuki, President and CEO
Capital: 100 million yen (100% owned by KDDI Corporation)
Business Contents: BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) business centered on contact centers

KDDI Evolva develops BPO business centered on contact centers. We provide BPO services that integrate people and IT solutions that utilize technologies such as AI, RPA, and eKYC, and improve CX and promote DX with a wide range of high-quality communication services based on our track record and know-how provided to companies in a wide range of industries. Contributes to the realization of customer success.
About Techsee

TechSee is an Israeli startup that has developed a cognitive visual engagement “Support of Things” platform powered by augmented reality and artificial intelligence to revolutionize the customer support domain. TechSee empowers customer support teams to deliver a visual customer experience that significantly reduces service costs and enhances service quality. Techsee is led by customer service industry veterans with years of experience in contact center technologies, video, computer vision and big data. TechSee counts Orange, Vodafone, Samsung and Nespresso among its global marquee customers.

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